in XCode (for iOS 8) using Swift language, there is no Service Reference folder to add for NAV Web Service
Understand iOS 8 (Swift) does not have Web service referen
For Swift 2.0, you can generate a Soap Client for your WSDL online at:
And then utilise the Operations by creating Request Objects:
Although still in beta, but still covers what you're looking for and provides you with a good base that you can feel free to modify. (Disclaimer: I'm the author)
Get a nightly build of free SoapUI. I say nightly only because some time ago it was only version that supported windows authorization, If your Nav web-service configured with another authorization type just use stable build.
SoapUI is able to consume provided web-service URL and make sample SOAP messages for you. You can even send those messages to your service to test if its work and inspect responses.
field and hit Ok.Or watch this short video.
If you want to connect to the Dynamics NAV webservices, you should change the setting "ServicesUseNTLMAuthentication" in:
This setting is located in the CustomSettings.config file the NAV service folder.
You can use SoapUI for testing, as explained in the answer above.