What I would like to achieve is get a 10% sample from each group (which is a combination of 2 factors - recency and frequency category). So far I have thought about package
You could always do it yourself:
stratified <- NULL
for(x in 1:6) {
tmp1 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "A" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "A")*0.1))
tmp2 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "B" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "B")*0.1))
tmp3 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "C" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "C")*0.1))
tmp4 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "D" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "D")*0.1))
tmp5 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "E" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "E")*0.1))
tmp6 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "F" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "F")*0.1))
tmp7 <- sample(rownames(subset(d, r_cat == "G" & f_cat == LETTERS[x])),round(nrow(d[r_cat == "G")*0.1))
stratified <- c(stratified,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,tmp6,tmp7)
And then...
would be your stratified sample.