Do-while endlessly looping cout, ignores cin

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伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-15 01:21

This program prints a specified amount of numbers within a specified range. However, when I enter a character, it just endlessly loops whichever do-while loop I do it in. E.

  • 2021-01-15 01:56

    I prefer not to use istream::fail() for loop control. See Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong? for a similar issue.

    Instead, I rely upon the return value of istream::operator >>.

    I also use the following function to reset the flags and clear the input on input stream:

    void flush_stream(std::istream& stream)
        stream.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

    See How do I flush the cin buffer? for more on this.

    So I'd code your input checks thus:

    int get_valid_number(const std::string& prompt)
        int number = 0;
        bool valid = false;
        while (!valid)
            std::cout << prompt << std::endl;
            if (std::cin >> number)
                valid = true;
        return number;

    Hopefully the benefits of extracting this into a function are obvious. See it run.

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  • 2021-01-15 01:58

    You could try doing something like

    int a;
    string trash;
    do {
      cout << "Enter minimum number" << endl;
      cin >> a;
        cin >> trash;
    } while (;

    This will remove any bad input from the cin stream by throwing it into the trash string.

    This link may help you understand these cin functions a bit better.

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