I have two master pages and a content page. On my local machine this code works, but once I uploaded to the server I got the following error:
Compilation Error Desc
this worked for me:
<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/MasterPage.master" %>
in .aspx file
Ok, here is the thing, this works sometimes and then when I add another property or recompile it would give me an error. it turns out it is compiler issue. To get around the issue, I had to create a App_Code directory under the root and made a class. When I get the error telling me there is no DivWidth defined, I simple make a code change in the class I created and the site compiles in the proper order. It took opening a case with MS, who was not very helpful, for me to find this workaround. Hope this helps someone else who runs into this strange issue.
public int DivWidth { get; set; }
Does this actually get implemented?