From the answer of the question How to use array_agg() for varchar[],
We can create a custom aggregate function to aggregate n-dimensional arrays in Postgres like:
Using the custom aggregate function array_agg_mult()
like defined in this related answer:
Your expected result is impossible:
Would have to be:
For the simple case to just replace the empty array: You can achieve that with:
WITH t(arr) AS (
SELECT array_agg_mult(ARRAY[CASE WHEN arr = '{}' THEN '{NULL}' ELSE arr END])
Using array_fill()
to pad arrays with NULL elements up to the maximum length:
SELECT array_agg_mult(ARRAY[
arr || array_fill(NULL::text
, ARRAY[max_elem - COALESCE(array_length(arr, 1), 0)])
]) AS result
FROM t, (SELECT max(array_length(arr, 1)) AS max_elem FROM t) t1;
Still only works for 1-dimensional basic arrays.
computes the maximum length of the basic 1-dimensional array.COALESCE(array_length(arr, 1), 0)
computes the length of the array in this row.COALESCE
defaults to 0
for NULL
with ||
.SQL Fiddle. demonstrating all.
Output in SQL Fiddle is misleading, so I cast result to text there.