I am using Visual Studio Code to Write a Java Project. For that i want to use the MigLayout.jar in my Project.
I created a new Project so i would get a .classpath
1.make sure you hava create a folder named lib
inside your project and add your .jar
file into it
2.Configure paths in the .classpath
<classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/miglayout.jar"/>
3.if it still thow error,Clean the workspace directory:F1 - input Clean
-clean workspace
you could look at the doucument add jar
I set up a gradle project and added the dependency via the link from https://mvnrepository.com/
I copied the given commands on the MigLayout Site behind the "Gradle" tab and put them into the dependencies{} in the build.grade file
With ./gradlew run from the command line out of the project folder it compiled successfully. Thanks for the help anyways.
PS: I still haven't figured out how to do it without gradle. Even compiling from the command line with: javac -cp "path to jar" myFile i did not get the dependencies right. Let me know if you have experience with that.