I am trying to implement the receiver part as per the tutorial
Make sure that your consumer sas policies does includes "manage" and not only "listen". I guess it has to have manage rights to be able to list the partitions.
Ideally - EPH should work with "Listen"-only Claims. Right now we have a bug in EventProcessorHost client-code as a result of which - it needs "Manage" claims. We are working on it.
The error "Encountered error while fetching the list of EventHub PartitionIds" is generic and Thrown at PartitionManager, while querying for Partitions. You ran into one of the exceptions in the below catch block. Please indicate inner-exception for completeness (SEO) & faster resolution.
catch(XPathExpressionException|ParserConfigurationException|IOException|InvalidKeyException|NoSuchAlgorithmException|URISyntaxException|SAXException exception)
throw new EPHConfigurationException("Encountered error while fetching the list of EventHub PartitionIds", exception);
this issue is fixed in version 0.7.7.
I was working with integrating eventhub with the ELK stack and came across the same error. To solve this I found that in the settings for the Event Hub Namespace that my event hub was in I had to allow access to the VNET my ELK stack was in.
This can be done by going to the following page: Your EventHubNamespace > Settings - Firewalls and virtual networks. Either allow access from all networks or add your specific VNET, Subnet, or IP range (for specific machines).
This in addition to setting consumer sas policies to Manage should resolve the "Encountered error while fetching the list of EventHub PartitionIds" error.