How can i carousel image gallery which never gets end.. after last first image and before first last image.
I did this by creating my own list-adapter (subclassed from BaseAdapter). I coded my own list-adapter in such a way that its getCount() method returns a HUUUUGE number. And if item 'x' is selected, then this item corresponds to adapter position='adapter.getCount()/2+x' And for my adapter's method getItem(int position), i look in my array that backs up the adapter and fetch the item on index: (position-getCount()/2) % myDataItems.length You need to do some more 'special' stuff to make it all work correctly, but you get the idea. In principle, it is still possible to reach the end or the beginning of the list, but if you set getCount() to around a million or so, this is hard to do :-)