Apologies if this question has been answered before.
I want to insert a small DSL into a server application I work on. The syntax is very simple and even at this ear
See http://liveworkspace.org/code/3HUzjS for a proof of concept.
What I usually do first, is imagine how I'd like to store the parsed data.
I like to stick to standard containers, boost::variant
(and sometimes boost::optional
). Read from the bottom up to see how simple it is, top-down:
struct regex {
std::string _pattern;
explicit regex(std::string const& pattern) : _pattern(pattern) {}
typedef boost::variant<double, int, std::string, regex> value;
enum logicOp { logicOr, logicAnd, logicPositive };
struct condition {
bool _negated;
std::string _propertyname;
value _operand; // value or regex
struct filter {
logicOp _op;
condition _cond;
struct setcommand {
typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, value> > pairs;
pairs _propvals;
struct printcommand {
std::vector<std::string> _propnames;
typedef boost::variant<printcommand, setcommand> command;
struct statement {
std::vector<filter> _filters;
command _command;
instead of requiring a switch on operator type (=
vs. like
) in the processing code.)and
vs. or
or print
command be unique.filter
by giving the first item a 'no-op' logic combination.With this target structure in place, writing the grammar becomes relatively straightforward:
using namespace qi;
// no-skipper rules
property_ = alpha >> *alnum;
strlit_ = '"' >> *( (lit('\\') >> char_) | ~char_('"') ) > '"';
// with-skipper rules
regex_ = strlit_ [ _val = phx::construct<regex>(_1) ];
value_ = double_ | int_ | strlit_;
condition_ = (no_case["NOT"] >> attr(true) | attr(false))
>> property_
>> (
no_case["LIKE"] >> regex_ | '=' >> value_
print_ = no_case["PRINT"] >> property_ % ',';
set_ = no_case["SET"] >> (property_ >> '=' >> value_) % ',';
command_ = print_ | set_;
filters_ %= +(
no_case["WHERE"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) == 0) ] >> attr(logicPositive)
| no_case["AND"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) > 0) ] >> attr(logicAnd)
| no_case["OR"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) > 0) ] >> attr(logicOr)
>> condition_);
statement_ = filters_ >> command_;
an escape characterthe only 'tricky' business there is to make sure filter (conditions) starts with 'WHERE', and each subsequent condition must start with 'AND'/'OR'. It uses a semantic action
[ _pass = (phx::size(_val) == 0) ]
to check that the resulting list (vector
) of filters is empty at that time during parsing
the attr(...)
idiom is used to get a default value for an optional keyword (NOT
). The keyword is only optional in the grammar, not in the AST:
no_case["NOT"] >> attr(true) | attr(false)
I have put together a demo, that prints the AST back using Spirit Karma. Note that I didn't make a lot of effort to make the syntax roundtrip:
operators get printed as equality to regex (m/.../
)parse success: 'where currency like "GBP|USD" set logging = 1, logfile = "myfile"'
parsed: WHERE currency = m/GBP|USD/ SET logging=1.0, logfile="myfile"
parse success: 'where not status = "ok" print ident, errorMessage'
parsed: WHERE NOT status = "ok" PRINT ident, errorMessage
parse success: 'where status = "ok" or not currency like "GBP|USD" print ident, errorMessage'
parsed: WHERE status = "ok" OR NOT currency = m/GBP|USD/ PRINT ident, errorMessage
parse success: 'where status = "\"special\"" set logfile = "C:\\path\\to\\logfile.txt"'
parsed: WHERE status = ""special"" SET logfile="C:\path\to\logfile.txt"
Note: in addition to parser
it also contains a generator
to print the parsed AST data types back.
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
struct regex
std::string _pattern;
explicit regex(std::string const& pattern) : _pattern(pattern) {}
typedef boost::variant<double, int, std::string, regex> value;
enum logicOp { logicOr, logicAnd, logicPositive };
struct condition
bool _negated;
std::string _propertyname;
value _operand; // value or regex
struct filter
logicOp _op;
condition _cond;
struct setcommand
typedef std::list<std::pair<std::string, value> > pairs;
pairs _propvals;
struct printcommand
std::vector<std::string> _propnames;
typedef boost::variant<printcommand, setcommand> command;
struct statement
std::vector<filter> _filters;
command _command;
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(regex, (std::string, _pattern))
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(printcommand, (std::vector<std::string>, _propnames))
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(setcommand, (setcommand::pairs, _propvals))
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(condition, (bool, _negated)(std::string, _propertyname)(value, _operand))
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(filter, (logicOp, _op)(condition, _cond))
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(statement, (std::vector<filter>, _filters)(command, _command))
// see http://stackoverflow.com/a/14206443/85371
namespace boost { namespace phoenix { namespace stl {
template <typename This, typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Allocator, typename Index>
struct at_impl::result<This(std::map<Key,Value,Compare,Allocator>&, Index)>
{ typedef Value & type; };
template <typename This, typename Key, typename Value, typename Compare, typename Allocator, typename Index>
struct at_impl::result<This(std::map<Key,Value,Compare,Allocator> const&, Index)>
{ typedef Value const& type; };
template <typename It, typename Delim>
struct generator : karma::grammar<It, statement(), Delim>
generator() : generator::base_type(start)
using namespace karma;
property_ = karma::string;
strlit_ = '"' << karma::string << '"';
regex_ = "m/" << karma::string << "/";
value_ = (double_ | int_ | strlit_ | regex_);
negate_ = eps [ _pass = !_val ] | lit("NOT");
condition_ = negate_ << property_ << '=' << value_;
print_ = "PRINT " << property_ % ", ";
set_ = "SET " << (property_ << '=' << value_) % ", ";
command_ = print_ | set_;
static const auto logicOpNames = std::map<logicOp, std::string> {
{ logicPositive, "WHERE" },
{ logicAnd, "AND" },
{ logicOr, "OR" } };
logic_ = string [ _1 = phx::at(phx::cref(logicOpNames), _val) ];
filters_ = +(logic_ << condition_);
statement_ = filters_ << command_;
start = statement_;
karma::rule<It, logicOp() , Delim> logic_;
karma::rule<It, statement() , Delim> statement_;
karma::rule<It, std::vector<filter>(), Delim> filters_;
karma::rule<It, command() , Delim> command_;
karma::rule<It, condition() , Delim> condition_;
karma::rule<It, statement() , Delim> start;
karma::rule<It, bool() > negate_;
karma::rule<It, printcommand()> print_;
karma::rule<It, setcommand() > set_;
karma::rule<It, std::string() > strlit_, property_;
karma::rule<It, value() > value_;
karma::rule<It, regex() > regex_;
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type>
struct parser : qi::grammar<It, statement(), Skipper>
parser() : parser::base_type(start)
using namespace qi;
// no-skipper rules
property_ = alpha >> *alnum;
strlit_ = '"' >> *( (lit('\\') >> char_) | ~char_('"') ) > '"';
// with-skipper rules
regex_ = strlit_ [ _val = phx::construct<regex>(_1) ];
value_ = double_ | int_ | strlit_;
condition_ = (no_case["NOT"] >> attr(true) | attr(false))
>> property_
>> (
no_case["LIKE"] >> regex_ | '=' >> value_
print_ = no_case["PRINT"] >> property_ % ',';
set_ = no_case["SET"] >> (property_ >> '=' >> value_) % ',';
command_ = print_ | set_;
filters_ %= +(
no_case["WHERE"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) == 0) ] >> attr(logicPositive)
| no_case["AND"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) > 0) ] >> attr(logicAnd)
| no_case["OR"] [ _pass = (phx::size(_val) > 0) ] >> attr(logicOr)
>> condition_);
statement_ = filters_ >> command_;
start = statement_;
qi::rule<It, statement() , Skipper> statement_;
qi::rule<It, std::vector<filter>(), Skipper> filters_;
qi::rule<It, printcommand() , Skipper> print_;
qi::rule<It, setcommand() , Skipper> set_;
qi::rule<It, command() , Skipper> command_;
qi::rule<It, value() , Skipper> value_, regex_;
qi::rule<It, condition() , Skipper> condition_;
qi::rule<It, statement() , Skipper> start;
// lexemes
qi::rule<It, std::string()> strlit_, property_; // no skipper
bool doParse(std::string const& input)
auto f(begin(input)), l(end(input));
parser<decltype(f), qi::space_type> p;
statement parsed;
bool ok = qi::phrase_parse(f,l,p,qi::space,parsed);
if (ok)
std::cout << "parse success: '" << input << "'\n";
generator<boost::spirit::ostream_iterator, karma::space_type> gen;
std::cout << "parsed: " << karma::format_delimited(gen, karma::space, parsed) << "\n";
std::cerr << "parse failed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
if (f!=l)
std::cerr << "trailing unparsed: '" << std::string(f,l) << "'\n";
return ok;
int main()
doParse("where currency like \"GBP|USD\" set logging = 1, logfile = \"myfile\"");
doParse("where not status = \"ok\" print ident, errorMessage");
doParse("where status = \"ok\" or not currency like \"GBP|USD\" print ident, errorMessage");
// All the extra levels of escaping get a bit ugly here. Of course, you'd be reading from a file/database/etc...
doParse("where status = \"\\\"special\\\"\" set logfile = \"C:\\\\path\\\\to\\\\logfile.txt\"");