I need to understand why capistrano doesn\'t create the folder current. I\'m using the following command : cap deploy:setup, cap deploy:check, cap deploy
But when i
Capistrano creates a current symlink (not directory) as one of the last steps in it's deployment cycle, generally right before the application server gets sent a start/restart command. It cannot create that symlink before deploying as there is nothing to symlink to (no checkouts in /releases
If it's still not creating the symlink, check your capistrano deploy logs for an error, it won't create the symlink if it has an error before making it to that point. And if there is an error, please post it in your question.
It could fail due to folder permissions also. If the option
set :use_sudo, false
was not present when the first time cap was deployed, the current folder have sudo as the owner. When the user is changed, it might not have sufficient permissions to update the link. I deleted the symbolic link and ran
cap deploy:create_symlink
This updated the symbolic link for me.