How to capture global keystrokes with PowerShell?

后端 未结 2 1873
情书的邮戳 2021-01-14 22:46

Can Powershell listen for and capture key presses?

Is it possible to write a PowerShell script that, like AutoHotkey, sits in tray and waits until you press a predef

  • 2021-01-14 23:23

    Not in PowerShell directly maybe, but as you can run pretty much any C# code, here is a basic working example based on an excellent solution by Peter Hinchley:

    Add-Type -TypeDefinition '
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace KeyLogger {
      public static class Program {
        private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13;
        private const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100;
        private static HookProc hookProc = HookCallback;
        private static IntPtr hookId = IntPtr.Zero;
        private static int keyCode = 0;
        private static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
        private static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hhk);
        private static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
        private static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName);
        public static int WaitForKey() {
          hookId = SetHook(hookProc);
          return keyCode;
        private static IntPtr SetHook(HookProc hookProc) {
          IntPtr moduleHandle = GetModuleHandle(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName);
          return SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hookProc, moduleHandle, 0);
        private delegate IntPtr HookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
        private static IntPtr HookCallback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) {
          if (nCode >= 0 && wParam == (IntPtr)WM_KEYDOWN) {
            keyCode = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam);
          return CallNextHookEx(hookId, nCode, wParam, lParam);
    ' -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms
    while ($true) {
        $key = [System.Windows.Forms.Keys][KeyLogger.Program]::WaitForKey()
        if ($key -eq "X") {
            Write-Host "Do something now."

    Version 2

    (using a callback):

    Add-Type -TypeDefinition '
      using System;
      using System.IO;
      using System.Diagnostics;
      using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
      using System.Windows.Forms;
      namespace PowerShell {
        public static class KeyLogger {
          private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13;
          private const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100;
          private delegate IntPtr HookProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
          private static Action<Keys> keyCallback;
          private static IntPtr hookId = IntPtr.Zero;
          private static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hhk, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
          private static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hhk);
          private static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(int idHook, HookProc lpfn, IntPtr hMod, uint dwThreadId);
          private static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string lpModuleName);
          public static void Run(Action<Keys> callback) {
            keyCallback = callback;
            hookId = SetHook();
          private static IntPtr SetHook() {
            IntPtr moduleHandle = GetModuleHandle(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.ModuleName);
            return SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, HookCallback, moduleHandle, 0);
          private static IntPtr HookCallback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) {
            if (nCode >= 0 && wParam == (IntPtr)WM_KEYDOWN) {
              var key = (Keys)Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam);
            return CallNextHookEx(hookId, nCode, wParam, lParam);
    ' -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms
      if ($key -eq "X") {
        Write-Host "Do something now."
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 23:26

    You can Capture Keystrokes with Powershell with the help of a Third Part coding Script (Autohotkey)

    You only need in Powershell to read this Windows registry Key.

    $val = (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKCU:\Software\GetKeypressValue').KeypressValue

    And if you then run, together these Two AHk Scripts (KeypressValueToREG + ShowKeypressValue) then it is indirect Possible.

    Note - the ShowKeypressValue.ahk is only to show visually, all your mouse button clicks and all your Keyboard keystrokes (it is not nessesary to use this Script)

    You can run only the KeypressValueToREG.Ahk in the Background and then you are ready to go. (you can Capture all your keystrokes values into only one Variable $val)


    ;KeypressValueToREG.ahk comes from KeypressOSD.ahk that was Created by Author RaptorX
    ; Open this Script in Wordpad and For Changelog look to the Bottom of the script. 
    ;This code works with a getkeyname from a Dllcall (See Bottom Script- by Lexikos)
    ;you can press the esc key to exit.
    #SingleInstance force
    SetBatchLines, -1
    ListLines, Off
    ; Settings
        global TransN                := 200      ; 0~255
        global ShowSingleKey         := True
        global ShowMouseButton       := True
        global ShowSingleModifierKey := True
        global ShowModifierKeyCount  := true
        global ShowStickyModKeyCount := false
        global DisplayTime           := 2000     ; In milliseconds
        global GuiPosition           := "Bottom" ; Top or Bottom
        global FontSize              := 50
        global GuiHeight             := 115
        try {
            key := GetKeyStr()
            SetTimer, HideGUI, % -1 * DisplayTime
        tickcount_start := A_TickCount
    CreateGUI() {
        Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +Owner +LastFound +E0x20
        Gui, Margin, 0, 0
        Gui, Color, Black
        Gui, Font, cWhite s%FontSize% bold, Arial
        Gui, Add, Text, vHotkeyText Center y20
        WinSet, Transparent, %TransN%
    CreateHotkey() {
        Loop, 95
            k := Chr(A_Index + 31)
            k := (k = " ") ? "Space" : k
            Hotkey, % "~*" k, OnKeyPressed
            Hotkey, % "~*" k " Up", _OnKeyUp
        Loop, 24 ; F1-F24
            Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index, OnKeyPressed
            Hotkey, % "~*F" A_Index " Up", _OnKeyUp
        Loop, 10 ; Numpad0 - Numpad9
            Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1, OnKeyPressed
            Hotkey, % "~*Numpad" A_Index - 1 " Up", _OnKeyUp
        Otherkeys := "WheelDown|WheelUp|WheelLeft|WheelRight|XButton1|XButton2|Browser_Forward|Browser_Back|Browser_Refresh|Browser_Stop|Browser_Search|Browser_Favorites|Browser_Home|Volume_Mute|Volume_Down|Volume_Up|Media_Next|Media_Prev|Media_Stop|Media_Play_Pause|Launch_Mail|Launch_Media|Launch_App1|Launch_App2|Help|Sleep|PrintScreen|CtrlBreak|Break|AppsKey|NumpadDot|NumpadDiv|NumpadMult|NumpadAdd|NumpadSub|NumpadEnter|Tab|Enter|Esc|BackSpace"
                   . "|Del|Insert|Home|End|PgUp|PgDn|Up|Down|Left|Right|ScrollLock|CapsLock|NumLock|Pause|sc145|sc146|sc046|sc123"
        Loop, parse, Otherkeys, |
            Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed
            Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField " Up", _OnKeyUp
        If ShowMouseButton {
            Loop, Parse, % "LButton|MButton|RButton", |
                Hotkey, % "~*" A_LoopField, OnKeyPressed
        for i, mod in ["Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt"] {
            Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnKeyPressed
            Hotkey, % "~*" mod " Up", OnKeyUp
        for i, mod in ["LWin", "RWin"]
            Hotkey, % "~*" mod, OnKeyPressed
    ShowHotkey(HotkeyStr) {
        WinGetPos, ActWin_X, ActWin_Y, ActWin_W, ActWin_H, A
        if !ActWin_W
        text_w := (ActWin_W > A_ScreenWidth) ? A_ScreenWidth : ActWin_W
        ;remove this gui codeline if you want only to Write the Value to Windows registry
        ;GuiControl,     , HotkeyText, %HotkeyStr%
        ;GuiControl,     , HotkeyText, %HotkeyStr%
        RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue,%HotkeyStr%
        ;remove this gui codeline if you want only to Write the Value to Windows registry
        ;GuiControl, Move, HotkeyText, w%text_w% Center
        ;GuiControl, Move, HotkeyText, w%text_w% Center
        if (GuiPosition = "Top")
            gui_y := ActWin_Y
            gui_y := (ActWin_Y+ActWin_H) - 115 - 50
        ;remove this gui codeline if you want only to Write the Value to Windows registry
        ;Gui, Show, NoActivate x%ActWin_X% y%gui_y% h%GuiHeight% w%text_w%
        ;Gui, Show, NoActivate x%ActWin_X% y%gui_y% h%GuiHeight% w%text_w%
    GetKeyStr() {
        static modifiers := ["Ctrl", "Shift", "Alt", "LWin", "RWin"]
        static repeatCount := 1
        for i, mod in modifiers {
            if GetKeyState(mod)
                prefix .= mod " + "
        if (!prefix && !ShowSingleKey)
        key := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 3)
        if (key ~= "i)^(Ctrl|Shift|Alt|LWin|RWin)$") {
            if !ShowSingleModifierKey {
            key := ""
            prefix := RTrim(prefix, "+ ")
            if ShowModifierKeyCount {
                if !InStr(prefix, "+") && IsDoubleClickEx() {
                    if (A_ThisHotKey != A_PriorHotKey) || ShowStickyModKeyCount {
                        if (++repeatCount > 1) {
                            prefix .= " ( * " repeatCount " )"
                    } else {
                        repeatCount := 0
                } else {
                    repeatCount := 1
        } else {
            if ( StrLen(key) = 1 ) {
                key := GetKeyChar(key, "A")
            } else if ( SubStr(key, 1, 2) = "sc" ) {
                key := SpecialSC(key)
            } else if (key = "LButton") && IsDoubleClick() {
                key := "Double-Click"
            _key := (key = "Double-Click") ? "LButton" : key
            static pre_prefix, pre_key, keyCount := 1
            global tickcount_start
            if (prefix && pre_prefix) && (A_TickCount-tickcount_start < 300) {
                if (prefix != pre_prefix) {
                    result := pre_prefix pre_key ", " prefix key
                } else {
                    keyCount := (key=pre_key) ? (keyCount+1) : 1
                    key := (keyCount>2) ? (key " (" keyCount ")") : (pre_key ", " key)
            } else {
                keyCount := 1
            pre_prefix := prefix
            pre_key := _key
            repeatCount := 1
        return result ? result : prefix . key
    SpecialSC(sc) {
        static k := {sc046: "ScrollLock", sc145: "NumLock", sc146: "Pause", sc123: "Genius LuxeMate Scroll"}
        return k[sc]
    ; by Lexikos -
    GetKeyChar(Key, WinTitle:=0) {
        thread := WinTitle=0 ? 0
            : DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "ptr", WinExist(WinTitle), "ptr", 0)
        hkl := DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "uint", thread, "ptr")
        vk := GetKeyVK(Key), sc := GetKeySC(Key)
        VarSetCapacity(state, 256, 0)
        VarSetCapacity(char, 4, 0)
        n := DllCall("ToUnicodeEx", "uint", vk, "uint", sc
            , "ptr", &state, "ptr", &char, "int", 2, "uint", 0, "ptr", hkl)
        return StrGet(&char, n, "utf-16")
    IsDoubleClick(MSec = 300) {
        Return (A_ThisHotKey = A_PriorHotKey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
    IsDoubleClickEx(MSec = 300) {
        preHotkey := RegExReplace(A_PriorHotkey, "i) Up$")
        Return (A_ThisHotKey = preHotkey) && (A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < MSec)
    HideGUI() {
        Gui, Hide
    ; ChangeLog : v2.22 (2017-02-25) - Now pressing the same combination keys continuously more than 2 times,
    ;                                  for example press Ctrl+V 3 times, will displayed as "Ctrl + v (3)"
    ;             v2.21 (2017-02-24) - Fixed LWin/RWin not poping up start menu
    ;             v2.20 (2017-02-24) - Added displaying continuous-pressed combination keys.
    ;                                  e.g.: With CTRL key held down, pressing K and U continuously will shown as "Ctrl + k, u"
    ;             v2.10 (2017-01-22) - Added ShowStickyModKeyCount option
    ;             v2.09 (2017-01-22) - Added ShowModifierKeyCount option
    ;             v2.08 (2017-01-19) - Fixed a bug
    ;             v2.07 (2017-01-19) - Added ShowSingleModifierKey option (default is True)
    ;             v2.06 (2016-11-23) - Added more keys. Thanks to SashaChernykh.
    ;             v2.05 (2016-10-01) - Fixed not detecting "Ctrl + ScrollLock/NumLock/Pause". Thanks to lexikos.
    ;             v2.04 (2016-10-01) - Added NumpadDot and AppsKey
    ;             v2.03 (2016-09-17) - Added displaying "Double-Click" of the left mouse button.
    ;             v2.02 (2016-09-16) - Added displaying mouse button, and 3 settings (ShowMouseButton, FontSize, GuiHeight)
    ;             v2.01 (2016-09-11) - Display non english keyboard layout characters when combine with modifer keys.
    ;             v2.00 (2016-09-01) - Removed the "Fade out" effect because of its buggy.
    ;                                - Added support for non english keyboard layout.
    ;                                - Added GuiPosition setting.
    ;             v1.00 (2013-10-11) - First release.


    #SingleInstance force
    Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -MaximizeBox ; -Caption +Resize -MinimizeBox +Disabled -SysMenu -Owner +OwnDialogs
    Gui, Add, Text, center y10 h50 w300 vVar,  %KeypressValue%
    Gui, Color, White
    Gui, show
    Gui, Font, s%size%
    GuiControl, Font, var
    ;run KeypressValueToREG.ahk - together with ShowKeypressValue.ahk
    ;The Features Are:
    ; - It will Show On your Screen, [All your Mouse Movements] and [All Keyboard Shortcuts Movement]
    ; - You can Make Scripts, that can do actions with MultiClicks on All Keyboard Shortcuts Clicks, How Cool Is that. 
    RegRead, KeypressValue, HKEY_CURRENT_USER,software\GetKeypressValue,KeypressValue ; read KeypressValue
    sleep 50
    GuiControl,, var, %KeypressValue%
    if (KeypressValue="Alt ( * 2 )") ;use this for [1x=Alt][2x=Alt ( * 2 )][3x=Alt ( * 3 )] [and many more]
    ;Here you can put any AHK CODE 
    msgbox you did click Alt 2x Times
    if (KeypressValue="Alt ( * 3 )") ;use this for [1x=Alt][2x=Alt ( * 2 )][3x=Alt ( * 3 )] [and many more]
    ;Here you can put any AHK CODE 
    msgbox you did click Alt 3x Times
    } ;End Loop

    0 讨论(0)