I have a number of items in cells that are separated by dashes. I\'m trying to normalize the database by splitting rows so that each row contains only one entry. How do you
This will count the number of hyphens in the activecell
Sub test()
a = Len(ActiveCell)
my_txt = Replace(ActiveCell, "-", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
b = Len(my_txt)
numb_occur = a - b
End Sub
Using hint from ron's function above I've created this formula and it worked fine :
=LEN(A1) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, "-", ""))
Here's the UDF
to count single string occurence in string:
Option Explicit
Function COUNTTEXT(ref_value As Range, ref_string As String) As Long
Dim i As Integer, count As Integer
count = 0
If Len(ref_string) <> 1 Then COUNTTEXT = CVErr(xlErrValue): Exit Function
For i = 1 To Len(ref_value.value)
If Mid(ref_value, i, 1) = ref_string Then count = count + 1
End Function
Here's using Array
=SUM(IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("-",MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("$1:$" & LEN(A1))),1))),0,1))
Entered using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
Hope this helps.
Follow up to: davex, by davex.. :)
I had been looking all over trying to find a way to test same for find text string in a formula. This answer seems to work correctly for both formulas / not & fits in a 1 liner.. (am still pretty novice at vba, let me know if any better way(s) ) thanks.
If countChar(UCase(Selection.Formula), UCase("offset")) > 0 Then 'YES (thee? answer, works for both formulas / not)
'If countChar(Selection.Formula, "OFFSET") > 0 Then 'yes
'If countChar(Cells(ActiveCell.row, Selection.Column).Formula, "OFFSET") > 0 Then 'yes
'If countChar(Cells(ActiveCell.row, "BG").Formula, "OFFSET") > 0 Then 'yes
'If countChar(UCase(Selection), UCase("OffSET")) > 0 Then 'yes but not work on formula
'If Selection.Formula Like "*offset*" Then 'no (for eq)
MsgBox "YES" & Space(15), vbQuestion
MsgBox "NO" & Space(15), vbQuestion
End If
NOTE: in place of variable "BG" above, i use permanent work cells to improve use for column BG example, work cell A3 has / shows: BG:BG
you will also need to dim the work cell, at the top / before the vba:
Dim A3 As String
A3 = RANGE("A3")
pardon, tried 3 times to get all of code into 1 box. really suggest putting a code stop start icon in the toolbar.
I found this answer:
Sub xcountCHARtestb()
'If countCHAR(RANGE("aq528"), ".") > 0 Then 'YES
If countCHAR(Selection, ".") > 0 Then 'YES
MsgBox "YES" & Space(10), vbQuestion ', "title"
MsgBox "NO" & Space(10), vbQuestion ', "title"
End If
End Sub
Sub xcountCHARtesta() 'YES
MsgBox "There are " & countCHAR(Selection, "test") & " repetitions of the character string", vbQuestion 'YES
End Sub
Function countCHAR(myString As String, myCHAR As String) As Integer 'as: If countCHAR(Selection, ".") > 1 Then selection OR RANGE("aq528") '"any char string"
countCHAR = UBound(split(myString, myCHAR)) 'YES
End Function
This code might be of your help .. you can also use it as a UDF... :)
Function CountHypens(rng_Src As Range) As Long
Dim var As Variant
On Error Resume Next
var = Split(rng_Src.Value, "-", , vbTextCompare)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "This cell does not have any hyphens."
CountHypens = UBound(var)
End If
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0
End Function