I need to run a search and replace on HTML similar to the following... I need to have \"Find Next\" \"Replace\" and \"Replace All\" options.... the trick is that I need to r
You can select all divs with class item
that are children of the element with ID sheet
like so:
$('#sheet > div.item')
and you can set the text of each div.item
with .text():
$('#sheet > div.item').text(function (i, oldText)
return oldText.replace('something', 'somethingElse');
Is that what you're looking for?
$(this).html().replace('oldVal', 'newVal');
If you must search/replace the html, then use the innerHTML property:
But be aware that the browser keeps the DOM in memory as a tree, not as HTML. It only reads HTML to construct the DOM. So you may find element-wise changes are faster.
I would build a data object while traversing matched elements. Then send the object so you do not have multiple ajax request from a loop. jsfiddle:
<div class='item' id='field-18583'>This is yet another test</div>
<div class='item' id='field-18585'>This is test data</div>
var searchTerm = 'This is',
replaceWith = 'This is new',
updateObj = {};
$("#sheet div.item:contains('" + searchTerm + "')").each(function(){
// use id to build an update object
updateObj[this.id.replace('field-', '')] = {
oldText: searchTerm,
newText: replaceWith
}; // not sure what you are trying to save here
// manipulate html
this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(searchTerm, replaceWith);
// after, send ajax data `updateObj`
Here's a pure Javascript solution. You can store the innerHTML
of #sheet
to a global variable and then use the search input value in a new RegExp
to replace the found text with whatever you want. So given the following HTML:
<div id='sheet'>
<div class='item' id='field-18583'>This is yet another test</div>
<div class='item' id='field-18585'>This is test data</div>
<input type="text" id="t" /><button id="s" onclick="searchIt()">Search</button>
You could do something like:
var sheet,
searchIt = function() {
var v = document.getElementById('t').value;
sheet = (typeof sheet == "undefined") ?
document.getElementById('sheet').innerHTML :
document.getElementById('sheet').innerHTML =
sheet.replace(new RegExp(v, 'ig'), "<span>$&</span>");
The $&
in the replace represents the matched RegExp.
See working example →