I am trying to obtain the Cartesian coordinates of a point for that I am using a simple function the devolves a window coordinates, something like (100,200). I want to conve
Mouse coordinates are already in cartesian coordinates, namely the coordinates of window space. I think what you're looking for is a transformation into the world space of your OpenGL scene. The 2D mouse coordinates in the window lack some information thougn: The depth.
So what you can otain is actually a ray from the "camera" into the scene. For this you need to perform the back projection from screen space to world space. For this you take the projection matrix, P and the view matrix V (what's generated by gluLookAt or similar), form the product P*V and invert it i.e. (P*V)^-1 = V^-1 * P^-1. Take notice that inversion is not transposition. Inverting a matrix is done by Gauss-Jordan elimination, preferrably with some pivoting. Any mathtextbook on linear algebra explains it.
Then you need two vectors to form a ray. For this you take two screen space positions with the same XY coordinates but differing depth (say, 0 and 1) and do the backprojection:
(P*V)^-1 * (x, y, {0, 1})
The difference of the resulting vectors gives you a ray direction.
The whole backprojection process has been wrapped up into gluUnProject. However I recommend not using it in its GLU form, but either look at the source code to learn from it, or use a modern day substitute like it's offered by GLM.