I am attempting to write a Google Cloud Function to set caps to disable usage above a certain limit. I followed the instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/
There seems to be an error in the code Google provided. I got it working when I changed the stop_billing
def stop_billing(data, context):
if 'data' in data.keys():
pubsub_data = base64.b64decode(data['data']).decode('utf-8')
pubsub_json = json.loads(pubsub_data)
cost_amount = pubsub_json['costAmount']
budget_amount = pubsub_json['budgetAmount']
cost_amount = data['costAmount']
budget_amount = data['budgetAmount']
if cost_amount <= budget_amount:
print(f'No action necessary. (Current cost: {cost_amount})')
if PROJECT_ID is None:
print('No project specified with environment variable')
billing = discovery.build('cloudbilling', 'v1', cache_discovery=False, )
projects = billing.projects()
billing_enabled = __is_billing_enabled(PROJECT_NAME, projects)
if billing_enabled:
__disable_billing_for_project(PROJECT_NAME, projects)
print('Billing already disabled')
The problem is that the pub/sub message provides input as a json message with a 'data' entry that is base64 encoded. In the testing functionality you provide the json entry without a 'data' key and without encoding it. This is checked for in the function that I rewrote above.