Say I have the following situation (for demonstration). The simple table content is converted to an XML value and sent via Service Broker to another SQL server where the res
CREATE TABLE tab (a int, b int, c int);
INSERT INTO tab (a, b, c) VALUES (1, 11, 111);
INSERT INTO tab (a, b, c) VALUES (2, 22, 222);
INSERT INTO tab (a, b, c) VALUES (3, 33, 333);
INSERT INTO tab (a, b, c) VALUES (4, 44, 444);
CREATE TABLE tab_destination (a int, b int, c int);
declare @x xml = (SELECT * FROM tab FOR XML RAW, TYPE);
insert into tab_destination (a, b, c)
x.value('@a', 'int'),
x.value('@c', 'int'),
x.value('@b', 'int')
from @x.nodes('//row') t(x);
select * from tab_destination;
Time to read xml Data Type Methods
And other option (i would prefer Remus Rusanu example though.. If a lots of columns and table structures are the same, this helps get lazy):
declare @x xml = (SELECT * FROM tab FOR XML RAW, root('tab'), TYPE);
Declare @docHandle int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @docHandle OUTPUT, @x
Select *
FROM OPENXML(@docHandle, 'tab//', 1)
With dbo.Tab
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @docHandle