This is a really weird issue, but I just have a simple keyListener added to a JPanel that prints on keyPressed and on keyReleased. Usually it works fine, but on certain keys
I ran into this issue recently, it is caused by the MacOS showing a context menu when you hold certain keys down (To allow you to chose alternative language characters) and the bug report page had a good solution that worked for me:
To disabled the character accent menu and enable auto-repeat, type the following at the command prompt:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
This can be reversed with the following:
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool true
I just tried this on the mac console and my java application no longer has the key problem.
More troublesome keys were reported here
It seems at this moment the best workaround is to avoid the use of
z, c, n, a, s, e, y, u, i, o
I fixed it by going into my system preferences -> keyboard and moving the key repeat slider all the way to the left to "Off".
It appears that this is a Java bug that arose after people upgraded to MacOS Sierra:
Java Bug Database
Reddit post
As a temporary workaround you might try using keys other than the standard WASD for controlling movement.