Class no longer obfuscated after upgrading to Android Gradle plugin 3.4.0

前端 未结 2 924
无人共我 2021-01-14 19:07

After upgrading to Android Gradle plugin 3.4.0, a basic class no longer gets obfuscated.

The following basic steps can reproduce the problem:

  1. In Androi
  • 2021-01-14 19:34

    The solution from @shizhen is what I accepted as the solution to the problem. But I wanted to document an alternative in case anyone else runs into this problem.

    I was able to make R8 obfuscate the class by actually instantiating the class. Notice how my original code for ProguardTestClass contained no constructor and I used it in a fairly static way. But when I added a constructor and instantiated it from, that gave R8 a reason to obfuscate it I guess.

    Revised ProguardTestClass that made R8 perform the obfuscation:

    public class ProguardTestClass {
        // NEW CODE: BEGIN
        private int avar;
        public ProguardTestClass(int avar) {
            this.avar = avar;
        public int incrementValue() {
            return ++avar;
        // NEW CODE: END
        public interface ProguardTestInnerInterface {
            void proguardTestCallback(String message);
        public static void proguardTestMethod(String input, ProguardTestInnerInterface impl) {
            impl.proguardTestCallback("proguardTestMethod received input=[" + input + "]");

    Then in I instantiated and called the ProguardTestClass on onCreate():

        proguardTestClass = new ProguardTestClass(3);
        Log.d(TAG, "Proguard test: " + proguardTestClass.incrementValue());
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  • 2021-01-14 19:46

    Try to set useProguard false to let the plugin use R8 instead of ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your app’s code and resources. E.g.

    android {
        buildTypes {
            debug {
                minifyEnabled true
                useProguard false
            release {
                minifyEnabled true
                useProguard false 

    Or alternatively, if you want to stick to ProGuard, you should disable R8 from like below:

    # Disables R8 for Android Library modules only.
    android.enableR8.libraries = false
    # Disables R8 for all modules.
    android.enableR8 = false

    And remember to set useProguard true.

    Edit #1

    Check here for how to migrate Proguard to R8: Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8?

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