I\'m running a simulation in MATLAB in which I have a large 3D dataset that changes each time step. I\'m trying to visualize the data using a 3D scatter plot with points tha
It sounds like the timer
function is a good place to try next in order to get a sense of your simulation's progression and then making an AVI once you are satisfied with how things look.
MATLAB's got some great documentation for it with a variety of options for consecutive calls are made and the spacing between them. Check out the ExecutionMode
and Period
I'm not sure this will solve all the problem, but as a first step I would suggest taking all calculations out of the loop that is used for drawing. Here is a suggestion how to do it:
load sample_data2
channels_matrix = cat(1, channels{:});
num_channels = length(channels);
channel_lengths = cellfun(@(x) size(x, 1), channels);
for k = 1:num_channels
g = plot3(channels{k}(:, 1), channels{k}(:, 2), channels{k}(:, 3), 'k');
set(g, 'LineWidth', 1.5)
hold on;
text(channels{k}(1, 1), channels{k}(1, 2), channels{k}(1, 3), num2str(k))
caxis([0 1])
numDivisions = 8;
ptsPerDivision = numel(grid_x)/numDivisions;
T = 1000;
numplotpts = 2E4;
% -> chnages starts here:
% first loop for creating random indices
plot_signal = nan(size(grid_x));
rand_numplotpts =sort(rand(numplotpts,T),1);
rand_inds = zeros(numplotpts,T);
for t = 1:T % one loop for creating random indices
rand_inds(:,t) = sort(randperm(numel(grid_x),numplotpts));
plot_signal(rand_inds(:,t)) = rand_numplotpts(:,t);
% second loop for drawing the first instance:
for k = 1:numDivisions
temp = plot_signal(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
yplot = grid_y(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
xplot = grid_x(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
zplot = grid_z(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
h(k) = scatter3(yplot(~isnan(temp)), xplot(~isnan(temp)),...
zplot(~isnan(temp)), 50*temp(~isnan(temp)), temp(~isnan(temp)), ...
'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', exp(-k)^0.25);
% third loop to calculate all timesteps:
[X,Y,Z,S,C] = deal(nan(size(temp,1),numDivisions,T));
for t = 2:T
plot_signal(rand_inds(:,t)) = rand_numplotpts(:,t);
for k = 1:numDivisions
temp = plot_signal(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
yplot = grid_y(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
xplot = grid_x(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
zplot = grid_z(dists_idx((k-1)*ptsPerDivision+1:k*ptsPerDivision));
non_nan_inds = ~isnan(temp);
inds = 1:sum(non_nan_inds);
X(inds,k,t) = yplot(non_nan_inds);
Y(inds,k,t) = xplot(non_nan_inds);
Z(inds,k,t) = zplot(non_nan_inds);
S(inds,k,t) = 50*temp(non_nan_inds);
C(inds,k,t) = temp(non_nan_inds);
% forth loop to draw all data:
for t = 2:T
for k = 1:numDivisions
h(k).XData = Y(:,k,t);
h(k).YData = X(:,k,t);
h(k).ZData = Z(:,k,t);
h(k).SizeData = S(:,k,t);
h(k).CData = C(:,k,t);