I seem to run into this problem all the time. I want to modify some of the elements in a list, but I need to keep some state as I do it, so map doesn\'t work.
Here i
The tricky part is that the "d"
and "f"
elements get no modification.
This is what I came up with. It's a bit more concise, code wise, but does involve multiple traversals.
val l1: List[String] = List("a","b","c","d","e","f","b","c","e","b","a")
case (res, Nil) => res
case (res, hd::tl) =>
val count = tl.count(_ == hd)
if (count > 0) s"$hd${count+1}" +: res
else if (res.contains(hd+2)) (hd+1) +: res
else hd +: res
//res0: List[String] = List(a1, b1, c1, d, e1, f, b2, c2, e2, b3, a2)
By using tails
, each element, hd
, is able to see the future, tl
, and the past, res
A simple but slow version
l1.zipWithIndex.map{ case (elem, i) =>
if (l1.count(_ == elem) == 1) {
} else {
val n = {l1.take(i+1).count(_ == elem)}
The next version is longer, less pretty, and not functional, but should be faster in the unlikely case that you are processing a very long list.
def makeUniq(in: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
// Count occurrence of each element
val m = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
for (elem <- in) {
m.update(elem, m.getOrElseUpdate(elem, 0) + 1)
// Remove elements with a single occurrence
val dupes = m.filter(_._2 > 1)
// Apply numbering to duplicate elements
in.reverse.map(e => {
val idx = dupes.get(e) match {
case Some(i) =>
dupes.update(e, i - 1)
case _ =>
The code is easier if you wanted to apply a count to every element rather than just the non-unique ones.
def makeUniq(in: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
val m = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
in.map{ e =>
val i = m.getOrElseUpdate(e, 0) + 1
m.update(e, i)