Import newest csv file in directory

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慢半拍i 2021-01-14 16:47

- Import the newest file (.csv) from a local directory into R

Goal Details:
- A csv file is uploaded to a folder dail

  • 2021-01-14 17:17

    The following function uses a timestamp file to "keep track" of files that have been processed with the use of a timestamp file. It can be run either continually in an R instance (as you first suggested), or by way of single-run instances, lending to @andrew's suggestion of a cron job. (The cat() command is included primarily for testing; feel free to remove it.)

    processDir <- function(directory = '.', pattern = '*.csv', loop = FALSE, delay = 600,
                           stampFile = file.path(directory, '.csvProcessor')) {
        if (! file.exists(stampFile))
        firstRun <- TRUE
        while (firstRun || loop) {
            firstRun <- FALSE
            stampTime <-$mtime
            allFilesDF <- = directory, pattern = pattern,
                                               full.names = TRUE, no.. = TRUE))
            unprocessedFiles <- allFilesDF[(! allFilesDF$isdir) &
                                           (allFilesDF$mtime > stampTime), ]
            if (nrow(unprocessedFiles)) {
                ## We need to update the timestamp on stampFile quickly so
                ## that files added while this is running will be found in the
                ## next loop.
                ## WARNING: this blindly truncates the stampFile.
                file.create(stampFile, showWarnings = FALSE)
                for (fn in rownames(unprocessedFiles)) {
                    cat('Processing ', fn, '\n')
                    ## read.csv(fn)
                    ## ...
            if (loop) Sys.sleep(delay)

    As you initially suggested, running it in a continually-running R instance would simply be:

    processDir(loop = TRUE)

    To use @andrew's suggestion of a cron job, append the following line after the function definition:


    ... and use a crontab file similar to the following:

    # crontab
    0 8 * * * path/to/Rscript path/to/processDir.R

    Hope this helps.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 17:26

    -- readfile.R --

    files <-

    I'd put the above script in a cron job that runs every morning at a time when the file for the day will have been written. The below crontab runs it every morning at 8am.

    -- in crontab --

    0 8 * * *  Rscript readfile.R

    Read more about cron here.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 17:32

    A more efficient solution using dplyr/magrittr

    path <- list.files(path = directory,
                       pattern = "csv$",
                       full.names = TRUE) %>%
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