I\'m developing a JSF web application with PrimeFaces 3.5 on Eclipse 4.3. There are no compiletime or runtime errors and the application deploys successfully. However, I can
if you build your proeject mit maven remember to include a dependency of primefaces lib into pom.xml
best regards
This is not directly answer on this question, but it's related to it. I want to share my experience with the problem "PrimeFaces tags not rendering". I am developing JSF 2.2 app on WildFly, and here is my index.xhtml:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<p:editor value="#{mDb.newMessage.content}"></p:editor>
When an app is running, the editor doesn't appear, and this was very strange to me, because PrimeFaces was configured correctly in project.
I accidentally discovered cause of problem. There was not a h:head
tag in index.xhtml. When I put head tag, PrimeFaces components rendered successfully!!
I hope this could help someone.
As to the cause of your concrete problem of PrimeFaces components not being rendered, as per the screenshot, you have a leading blank space in PrimeFaces taglib URI:
xmlns:p=" http://primefaces.org/ui"
This is significant and thus wrong. Get rid of it:
This way the PrimeFaces components must be parsed and appear in the HTML output.
For the remainder I strongly recommend you to go through a sane JSF2 tutorial first. You're making several conceptual mistakes which are already covered by a decent Hello World example. Start at our JSF wiki page. Those mistakes do however not have this "blank page" as consequence. They will cause different problems (e.g. CSS/JS not functioning and form submit not working). If you still stucks on that, you should essentially be asking a new question.
When ever you are referring to Managed Bean properties from JSF components, use correct syntax for JSF EL statements.
In your code you are forgetting to provide #{}
For example at line #15 in login.xhtml use :
<h:inputText id="id" value="#{loginBean.id}" required="true" requiredMessage="ID required"/>
You are keeping <h:head>
inside <h:body>
. Its not a good practice.
Keep <h:head>
out side <h:body>
Actual structure would be:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<!-- Your Code -->
You may be getting exception in ManagedBean LoginBean.java class.
Please post the code instead of screenshots.