I recently installed XAMPP on my laptop - windows-7 64-bit. I just wrote a very basic and elementary \"Hello World\" script in HTML. But, however when i\'m trying to run it,
if problem is in linux Folders not should be cut from Windows into Linux folders permissions not set . change it
You just need to change the root of project from xampp/apache/htdocs to xampp/htdocs.
I mean your project folder has to be in xampp/htdocs root .(e.g: xampp/htdocs/project
And your project address will be localhost/project
It seems xampp is not able to locate your file.
Check DocumentRoot setting in XAMPP\apache\conf\httpd.conf to find currently it is pointing to which folder.
If you want you can point it to some other folder like,
By the way, You sure htdocs is in xampp/apache/htdocs ? Mine is in xampp/htdocs.