I have implemented a d3 line graph which reads data from a CSV file, and then plots multiple lines which react to mouseover events. It works fine with pan and zoom using the
You can simply check the value manually and reset it if it is too high:
if(tx > threshold) { tx = threshold; }
Also, the statements
in your code have no effect.
Thanks for the help, I did it by the following code in the end:
var t = zoom.translate(),
s = zoom.scale();
tx = Math.min(0, Math.max(width * (1 - s), t[0]));
ty = Math.min(0, Math.max(height * (1 - s), t[1]));
zoom.translate([tx, ty]);
The difficulty was in bounding the graph at various zoom levels, which this now solves. The d3.event.translate and d3.event.scale statements were also unnecessary, and should have been removed.