I have read about the IOKit-Extension to get the serial number from an iPhone inside an app: blog.jdevelop.eu
Actually i know one App in the Appstore which reads out
From the developers site:
Be aware that you cannot submit an App with this IOKit-Extension into the Appstore!
I do not think it is allowed, since Apple changed terms and conditions to prevent ad networks from using the UUID of the phone to identify devices. It would otherwise allow tracking of people's devices without their approval, which Apple could be held liable for. Given the ruckus over the LocationGate in the USA and South Korea, this is not going to happen anymore, I'd say!
If you read the blog until the end, it states you cannot submit an App containing their extension. This is due to the reasons I explained earlier, and therefore, use the extension or use your own code to achieve the same result has the same consequence: it's not allowed in the App Store, for privacy issues and concerns.