I have a rails app using devise with 2 different models corresponding to vastly different roles (no STI - different models altogether).
I am planning to move to fron
I would suggest that you rethink your problem pretending that devise and angular have nothing to do with each other.
Let's assume that you're not going to render any html templates in rails. You're just going to use rails to create a json api http://railscasts.com/episodes/350-rest-api-versioning?view=asciicast, and the interface for the app is going to be a single page angular app. UI routing will all be done from within your angular app.
The angular service which made the request to your devise endpoint will now have access to the user's information (from the server's json response). It can check properties on this user object like their role, and then it can use angular's location service to change the route to wherever this role should go.
When the route changes angular will render the route's view and everything will continue on its merry way.
If you need to change the UI within a route based on the role see this question RESTful Authorization in the UI
When the user comes back to your site later you can make the angular app detect that they're still logged in. The angular service that you wrote to to sign a user in can also be responsible for attempting to get the current user, and if there is none, redirect to the sign in page.
Devise gives you a helper called current_user which will give you access to an instance of the user that is logged in. You should create a server route like /api/v1/current_user and have it return the users information. If the user is logged in, redirect to their home page just like after a sign in. Otherwise redirect to the sign in page.
If you don't know angular very well I'd suggest that you spend some time on this site https://egghead.io/
Also you may need to to implement authorization logic on the server http://railscasts.com/episodes/192-authorization-with-cancan
So what you are describing is possible, but it will definitely be a pain. You will have to build up a bunch of code to determine if a user is a NormalUser vs AdminUser in the Rails side. In the Angular side you will have to determine which login a user needs, NormalUser vs AdminUser. That being said, it is possible and here are some pointers that should help.
You really really really want to have a good understanding of how Devise works. Devise does a lot of magic under the covers.
For auth to work with Angular, you will need to be familiar with $httpProvider.interceptors, Services, and Resources.
Example routes for having two models in Devise:
devise_for :normal_users
devise_for :admin_users
# route for the sample controller below
resource :users do
collection do
get :current
Devise will create helper methods in your controllers along the lines of:
So you would have to check both to see if a sessions has been authenticated, best plan is to to wrap both checks into a custom before_action
, something along the lines of before_action :authenticate_all_users
Here is an example UsersControllers
that returns JSON Angular will use to check for authentication.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
# Needs a before_action that authenticates the user
respond_to :json
def current
@user = current_normal_user || current_admin_user
respond_with @user
I found this interceptor very useful when handling auth in Angular. Add this to your app.config
when setting up Angular, it redirects to a specified page if 401 status code is returned by any http request. This is simpler than having all Resources forced to handle the possibility that a user is not authenticated. (as coffeescipt)
# Monitors the requests and responses of angular
# * Redirects to /users/sign_in if status is a 401
app.config [
($httpProvider) ->
$httpProvider.interceptors.push ($q) ->
request: (config) ->
config or $q.when(config)
requestError: (rejection) ->
$q.reject rejection
response: (response) ->
response or $q.when(response)
responseError: (rejection) ->
# Not logged in, redirect to login
if rejection.status is 401
$q.reject rejection
# Change this with desired page
window.location = "/users/sign_in"
$q.reject rejection
In your scenario, you will probably need to add logic to determine which login page they should see, normal_user vs admin_user.
Last is an example Angular service that grabs the user information. If the user is not authenticated, the 401 status will be caught by the previous $httpProvider
and the user will be dealt with accordingly. Otherwise, if the user is authenticated, the user's information will populated to the $rootScope.currentUser
. You simply have to add this as a dependency in a controller that should be auth protected. (in coffeescript)
angular.module("TheAngularApp.services").service "CurrentUserService", ($rootScope, $http, CurrentUser, User) ->
userService =
reloadCurrentUser: ->
@currentUser = CurrentUser.show((user) ->
# set in scope
$rootScope.currentUser = user
This service depends on the CurrentUser
Resource that points at /users/current.json
endpoint. In your scenario with the CurrentUserService, possible options for dealing with multiple models are:
Optionally, I would look into ng-idle as a way to allow sessions to expire within Angular.
My logged in page starts displaying while the backend request for user info is happening, and consequently the redirect to login page is quite visible and leads to a bad ux.
The easiest way is to use a non-angular page for the login, such as the one provided by Devise. Once a user successfully logs in, the page they are directed to loads up the Angular App. This way you can always assume a user is logged in when they are using Angular.
If this is not an possible, you will have to make the auth request from Angular. This means you will need to have the user wait until you can check the promise from the auth request. Once it is valid, you move the user to the correct route.
WARNING I believe Devise sends a status code of 401 if you fail to log in, which will trip the interceptor previous discussed. To get around this, the interceptor will have to exclude paths that handle the auth requests.
Example Resource for handling Auth:
Session.create {email: email, password: password}, success = (user) ->
# User was successfully authenticated
$scope.currentUser = user
$location.path( "/" );
, error = (data, status, headers, config) ->
# Failed to auth, notify user