I am having troubles updating my existing app. The apk upload works just fine, but Google Play says that there are 0 devices suported. I\'ve been looking some other posts an
did you add new dependencies in your App Gradle ? Sometimes this error came from a dependency not correctly added.
For example I added this library :
compile 'org.apache.directory.studio:org.apache.commons.io:2.4'
but in fact i should add it like this :
compile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
Also you can try to update all your com.android.support dependencies to 25.+ version and set your targetSdkVersion to 25 too.
It's a known bug the Google Play Console engineers are currently working to fix it, no known ETA. I just wrote to Google after experiencing this too and this is all they could tell me. (I did suggest they provide developers with a notification to let them know of the issue).
Your code looks fine.
Fyi as of 20May17 the issue is resolved and should now work!
It's a bug in the console developer. Today I'ved the same problem and launched with no problems.
It sounds like a Google Play bug - there's a LOT of people with the same experience and apparently it can be ignored (and checked afterwards): 0 supported Android devices on Google Play app update