Some users are complaining that the applet no longer works, When they view the java console they are greeted with a java.lang.noClassDefFoundError and checking my access log
The jar is getting corrupted in transit, We are looking at getting patches from oracle/bea for the server.
It appears that if a connection is too slow (Modem speeds) that weblogic will signal the end of a transfer by sending a packet with len=0.
The network will signal java saying the download completed successfully and then java fails with a java.lang.noClassDefFoundError.
Are you sure the jar file contains all the necessary classes? Open it up in your favorite Zip application and double check. Maybe a recent build of that jar got messed up and doesn't have everything in it.
I'm assuming that you have made some updates by your wording. It is highly likely that some users have a previous Jar file cached.
When deploying a new applet version in a live configuration I perform the following:
Even if you follow this the user may still have a problem, ask them to try these one at a time (listed in order they should try):
This can occur if the class itself can be loaded but some dependency of that class cannot be. Are there external JARs that are dependencies?