I am trying for the first time to use React context API to pass information from a main component to his grandchild component.
So first I have created a context
The method I've used to test components which require being mounted in within a context provider tree is to use the wrappingComponent
and wrappingComponentProps
options for mount.
This ensures that the return value of mount (the root component) is still the component you want to test (and will still support APIs/options that only work on the root component, such as setProps
mount(<MyComponent />, {
wrappingComponent: MyContext.Provider,
wrappingComponentProps: {
value: { foo: 987 },
Enzyme context
affects legacy React context, not modern context API. It should be mocked with:
mount(<MyContext.Provider value={{foo: 987}}><ChildComponent/></MyContext.Provider>)
And asserted with:
expect(wrapper.find('h2').text()).toBe('Context value: 987');