I am creating an extension for simple git commands, and when a user enters a command in the Command Palette, like Init
, I want to call git init
Yes, this is possible, by using child_process.spawn. I have used it in my extension to run a Java jar. The core of the execution is shown here:
let spawnOptions = { cwd: options.baseDir ? options.baseDir : undefined };
let java = child_process.spawn("java", parameters, spawnOptions);
let buffer = "";
java.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
let text = data.toString();
if (text.startsWith("Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:")) {
let endOfInfo = text.indexOf("\n");
if (endOfInfo == -1) {
text = "";
} else {
text = text.substr(endOfInfo + 1, text.length);
if (text.length > 0) {
buffer += "\n" + text;
java.on("close", (code) => {
// Handle the result + errors (i.e. the text in "buffer") here.