I\'m doing a project that attaches a subroutine that I wrote to a main file included by the teacher. He gave us the instructions for making our subroutine global but appare
You want to call a routine in another asm file or object file?
if you are Assembling prt_dec.asm and are linking multiple asm files to use in your main program, here is a sample, 2 asm files Assembled and linked together... * NOTE * hello.asm
*DOES NOT * have a start label!
Main asm file: hellothere.asm
sys_exit equ 1
extern Hello
global _start
section .text
call Hello
mov eax, sys_exit
xor ebx, ebx
int 80H
Second asm file: hello.asm
sys_write equ 4
stdout equ 1
global Hello
section .data
szHello db "Hello", 10
Hello_Len equ ($ - szHello)
section .text
mov edx, Hello_Len
mov ecx, szHello
mov eax, sys_write
mov ebx, stdout
int 80H
APP = hellothere
$(APP): $(APP).o hello.o
ld -o $(APP) $(APP).o hello.o
$(APP).o: $(APP).asm
nasm -f elf $(APP).asm
hello.o: hello.asm
nasm -f elf hello.asm
Now, if you just want to separate your code into multiple asm files, you can include them into your main source: with %include "asmfile.asm"
at the beginning of your main source file and just assemble and link your main file.