I am editing one of my old scripts to send an email to a user with images embedded into the text. I am trying to use the Send-MailMessage function to send the email as oppos
So the real question is how to embed a image into the HTML document from a attachment
CID aka Content ID will allow you to attach a image and then use that attached image in the document. Avoid using spaces in the Content ID name.
Send-MailMessage -To "Test@Test.com" -from "Test2@Test.com" -SmtpServer SMTP.TEST.NET -Subject "Hello" -BodyAsHtml -Body "<img src='cid:Test.png'>" -Port 25 -Attachments "C:\Users\Test\Test.png"
You are using
$att1 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment ("T:\PS Scripts\Images\shareddrive1.png")
$att2 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment ("T:\PS Scripts\Images\shareddrive2.png")
$att3 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment ("T:\PS Scripts\Images\shareddrive3.png")
$att4 = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment ("T:\PS Scripts\Images\shareddrive4.png")
$att1.ContentId = "image1.png"
$att2.ContentId = "image2.png"
$att3.ContentId = "image3.png"
$att4.ContentId = "image4.png"
but when you send the mail you are not attaching those attachments
Send-MailMessage -To "<$UserID>" -bcc "<$Username@dana.com>" -from "<itservicedesk@x.com>" -Subject $global:subject -SmtpServer "mailrelay.x.com" -BodyAsHtml -body $global:body
You could stop using the Net.Mail.Attachment
and instead do something like
$Body = @"
<body style="font-family:calibri">
<b>This is image 1</b>
<img src='cid:TEST1.png'>
<b>This is image 2</b>
<img src='cid:Test2.png'>
Send-MailMessage -To "Test@Test.com" `
-from "Test2@Test.com" `
-SmtpServer Test.smtp.com `
-Subject "Hello" `
-BodyAsHtml -body $body `
-Attachments "C:\Test\TEST1.png", "C:\Test\TEST2.png"