I have a fair idea of using the Repository Pattern and have been attempting to \"upgrade\" our current way of creating ASP .Net websites. So i do the following
Install Ninject.Web either from "Package Manager Console" or NuGet.
Version is 3.2.1 as of this writing.
It will install the following 4 packages -
public interface IUserService
List<string> GetUsers();
public class UserService : IUserService
public List<string> GetUsers()
return new List<string> {"john", "eric"};
Then add binding to ~/App_Start/NinjectWebCommon.cs
In code behind page, property inject using [Inject]
In Addition in answer by win I would advise people not to get confused by using Constructor based injection in ASP.NET Webforms as Web Forms doesn't support constructor based injection simply. In default configuration they only support Property based Injections as already demonstrated by Win.