In my project, I have two type of users: job seekers and hiring managers. Job seekers don\'t have a model, they are just able to apply for jobs using the data received from
Are you using omniauth["user_info"] in your models somewhere? In my case, I was accessing
and that would crash and I would get the same error, being caught by devise.
In my app as well, we use omniauth directly (for businesses) as well as use device+facebook for user logins.
Havent yet figured out to not get failure caught by devise though. Devise registers it's own failure app. Will update when i figure it out.
Update: I'm sorry it seems I misread part of your question. You can see a clear failure to authorize from the remote webapp which seems to stuff up and not a masked exception from the code (as was in my case).
Answering my own question. So, final decision was to go with pure Omniauth implementation. I removed :omniauthable
from User
model, removed config.omniauth...
from devise.rb
, removed :omniauth_callbacks
devise routes from routes.rb
So, all users (no matter what role) would use ame callback routes and hit sessions_controller#authenticate_jobseeker
action (should consider renaming the action?):
def authenticate_jobseeker
auth_hash = request.env['omniauth.auth']
unless auth_hash.present?
redirect_to request.env['omniauth.origin'] || root_path, alert: "Sorry, we were not able to authenticate you" and return
@user = User.find_from_oauth(auth_hash)
if @user.present?
flash[:notice] = I18n.t "devise.omniauth_callbacks.success", :kind => "Google"
sign_in_and_redirect @user, :event => :authentication and return
session[:jobseeker] = auth_hash["info"]
if valid_job_seeker?
redirect_to new_job_application_path(...)
and User.find_from_oauth
def self.find_from_oauth(auth_hash)
if auth_hash
user = User.where(:email => auth_hash["info"]["email"]).first
This implementation satisfied all of the requirements.