I\'ve restarted Android Studio (version 1.1.0
built on 18 Feb) & now Crashlytics can\'t be initialized with this error:
Your plugin version is probably outdated.
Remove the old version of plugin (File - Settings - Plugins - choose "Fabric for Android Studio" - press "Uninstall plugin").
Download the new version from Fabric dashboard (there is a button on the left bar "Download plugin". Install plugin from disk (File - Settings - Plugins - button "Install plugin from disk" on the bottom).
If you can't solve this issue, I found a way that worked (Android Studio 1.1 on OSX).
Uninstall AS.
Delete the following (~ is home directory of user who runs AS):
~/Library/Application Support/AndroidStudio*
~/Library//Saved Application State/com.google.android.studio.savedState
Then re-install Android Studio and the Fabric plugin, and it should work now.
I don't know if all the above deletes are necessary, but I could not narrow it down any further, and deleting all the above after uninstalling, then re-installing, worked for me.
Actually i am phasing similar kind of stuff in Crashlytics plug-in.
Crashlytics which is installed by colleague in their computer then application code is continue with my computer but in my computer not updated with crashlytics(2.3.1) plug-in that's why generating NoClassDefFoundError
After doing some step to achieve success..
Uninstall fabric plug-in and reinstall them
(File - Settings - Plugins - choose "Fabric for Android Studio" - press "Uninstall plugin").
Reinstall fabric plug-in Fabric plugin (File - Settings - Plugins - press "(File - Settings - Plugins - choose "Fabric for Android Studio" - press "Uninstall plugin"). "). MUST REMEMBER
android:value="75a7814087xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" />
check to update value after installed new plug-in