I have a ruby on rails web app, and in some views i have many heavy images( ) to render .The
are generated in a Helper.
We need to assume things because you haven't shared your code.
Coming to your query, for now you can preload images using jQuery:
function preload(arrayOfImages) {
$('<img/>')[0].src = this;
// Alternatively you could use:
// (new Image()).src = this;
// Usage:
This saves the loading time of loading images.
Use a base64 string.
background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,*CONVERTED IMAGE DATA HERE*);
My approach is to lazy load the images using jquery and data- tags. This approach also allows me to choose different images based on device width and spare tablet/mobile users.
<img src="" data-src="/img/graphic-desktop.jpg" data-smallsrc="/img/graphic-smaller.jpg" alt="Graphics" class="lazy" />
<!-- the following would be in your js file -->
$lazy = $('img.lazy');
// window load will wait for all page elements to load, including css backgrounds
// run thru each img.lazy on the page. spare the jquery calls by making $this a variable
$this = $(this);
// if the window is greater then 800px wide, use data-src, otherwise, use the smaller graphic
($(window).width() >= 800) ? $this.attr('src', $this.attr('data-src')) : $this.attr('src', $this.attr('data-smallsrc'));
Solution: Do not use the img tag.