Hello in my database date / time are in this format
I\'d like to echo that out to time passed since that date / t
I changed one line of the above code for the case in which it was posted less than one minute ago.
function ax_getRoughTimeElapsedAsText($iTime0, $iTime1 = 0)
if ($iTime1 == 0) { $iTime1 = time(); }
$iTimeElapsed = $iTime1 - $iTime0;
if ($iTimeElapsed < (60)) {
return "Less than a minute ago";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / 60); $sUnit = "minute";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (60*60)); $sUnit = "hour";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (30*24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (24*60*60)); $sUnit = "day";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (365*24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (30*24*60*60)); $sUnit = "month";
} else {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (365*24*60*60)); $sUnit = "year";
return $iNum . " " . $sUnit . (($iNum != 1) ? "s" : "") . " ago";
u can fetch that fron db and use strtotime function which will make into epoch . and then use date command to print it into any format u want to .
you can use the func timediff right in your database:
pass the first param as the date, and the second param as now()
function time_ago($timestamp, $granularity = 2) {
$timestamp = time() - $timestamp;
$units = array('1 year|%d years' => 31536000,
'1 week|%d weeks' => 604800,
'1 day|%d days' => 86400,
'1 hour|%d hours' => 3600,
'1 min|%d mins' => 60,
'1 sec|%d secs' => 1
$output = '';
foreach ($units as $key => $value) {
$key = explode('|', $key);
if ($timestamp >= $value) {
$pluralized = floor($timestamp / $value) > 1 ?
sprintf($key[1], floor($timestamp / $value)) :
$output .= ($output ? ' ' : '') . $pluralized;
$timestamp %= $value;
if ($granularity == 0) {
return $output ? $output : "Just now";
This should be close.
Edit: added this line: $timestamp = time() - $timestamp;
Below is a function I wrote to do this. Feel free to use it.
* Returns rough (in largest single unit) time elapsed between two times.
* @param int $iTime0 Initial time, as time_t.
* @param int $iTime1 Final time, as time_t. 0=use current time.
* @return string Time elapsed, like "5 minutes" or "3 days" or "1 month".
* You might print "ago" after this return if $iTime1 is now.
* @author Dan Kamins - dos at axonchisel dot net
function ax_getRoughTimeElapsedAsText($iTime0, $iTime1 = 0)
if ($iTime1 == 0) { $iTime1 = time(); }
$iTimeElapsed = $iTime1 - $iTime0;
if ($iTimeElapsed < (60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed); $sUnit = "second";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / 60); $sUnit = "minute";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (60*60)); $sUnit = "hour";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (30*24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (24*60*60)); $sUnit = "day";
} else if ($iTimeElapsed < (365*24*60*60)) {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (30*24*60*60)); $sUnit = "month";
} else {
$iNum = intval($iTimeElapsed / (365*24*60*60)); $sUnit = "year";
return $iNum . " " . $sUnit . (($iNum != 1) ? "s" : "");
To use this func, you'd need to first convert your times to time_t format (integer #seconds since the "epoch"). Either of these PHP functions will probably help with that: http://php.net/strptime or http://php.net/strtotime.