I have this query in SQL Server 2005 (I used the more convenient 2008 insert method for example only) and I need the (null) to be replaced with 0 in the grid output.
<You would use the ISNULL() function. See SQL Fiddle
SELECT 'lessonid response ->'
, isnull([0], 0) as [0]
, isnull([1], 0) as [1]
, isnull([2], 0) as [2]
, isnull([3], 0) as [3]
, isnull([4], 0) as [4]
SELECT lessonid AS 'lessonid response ->'
,ISNULL(response,0) as response
,count(response) AS respcnt
FROM tblRChoices
GROUP BY lessonid
) TableResponse
PIVOT(SUM(respcnt) FOR response IN (
)) ResponsePivot