This is only an additional answer to explain the misunderstanding of this
in arrow functions.
How does this work in arrow functions?
in lexical functions always refers to the surrounding scope. That can either be:
- The nearest surrounding function
- The nearest surrounding module
- The global scope
If we have a look at your code, and we assume you're using ES6 modules (judging from the import/export
import debounce from 'lodash/debounce';
export default {
watch: {
query: debounce(() => {
}, 200, {
leading: false,
trailing: true
Let's go through the list:
1. The nearest surrounding function
There is no surrounding function for your arrow function. An example would be:
var obj = {
a: function() {
return () => {
obj.a()(); // `this` refers to `obj`, because `this` refers to `obj` in the surrounding function `a`
2. The nearest surrounding module
Since we are in a (fake) module in this case, this
is defined in the module scope as pseudo module object (probably a babel or webpack object?).
__esModule: true
default: Object
__proto: Object
It seems because Vue binds these properties, methods and events by default
That's true and it's a very useful feature of vue. But it doesn't help us in this case, because this
cannot be overridden in an arrow function, it always refers to the surrounding scope.
Have a look at the following link for a deeper understanding of arrow functions: