I am using IDZSwiftCommonCrypto
for image encryption using StreamCryptor described as an example at its GitHub page: https://github.com/iosdevzone/IDZSwiftCommo
xx.append(outputBuffer, count: cryptedBytes)
should help.
below is sample code for picking up an encrypted image file and returning the data.
func decryptImage(from path:URL)-> Data? {
var decryptData = Data()
let sc = StreamCryptor(operation:.decrypt, algorithm:.aes, options:.PKCS7Padding, key:key, iv:iv)
guard let encryptedInputStream = InputStream(fileAtPath: path.relativePath) else {
return nil
var inputBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(1024))
var outputBuffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(1024))
var cryptedBytes : Int = 0
while encryptedInputStream.hasBytesAvailable
let bytesRead = encryptedInputStream.read(&inputBuffer, maxLength: inputBuffer.count)
let status = sc.update(bufferIn: inputBuffer, byteCountIn: bytesRead, bufferOut: &outputBuffer, byteCapacityOut: outputBuffer.count, byteCountOut: &cryptedBytes)
if (status != Status.success) {
return nil
if(cryptedBytes > 0)
decryptData.append(outputBuffer, count: cryptedBytes)
let status = sc.final(bufferOut: &outputBuffer, byteCapacityOut: outputBuffer.count, byteCountOut: &cryptedBytes)
if (status != Status.success) {
return nil
if(cryptedBytes > 0)
decryptData.append(outputBuffer, count: cryptedBytes)
return decryptData
Happy coding :)