Assume the following table records:
TABLE: foo
| foo_id | foo_parent_id |
| 1 | NULL |
I'd like to offer another approach at answering this question:
SET @topN = 1;
SELECT foo_id, foo_parent_id
, f.foo_parent_id
, IFNULL(f.foo_parent_id, f.foo_id) AS grp_rank
WHEN f.foo_parent_id IS NULL
THEN @topN:= 1
END topN_rank
, f_parent.foo_id AS f_parent_foo_id
foo AS f
SELECT foo_id
FROM foo
WHERE foo_parent_id IS NULL
ORDER BY foo_id LIMIT 10
) f_parent
ON f_parent.foo_id = IFNULL(f.foo_parent_id, f.foo_id)
ORDER BY grp_rank, f.foo_id
) AS foo_derived
WHERE topN_rank <= 3
General Notes:
I want to get, say, the first 10 parent records <-- SUBQUERY "f_parent"
followed by, say, the first 2 child records of that parent record. <-- topN <= 3 (PARENT + 2 CHILDREN)
How it works:
foo_parent_id resets the ranking. This new column topN_rank
is impacted by the sorting. topN_rank
and to return only the needed columns.topN_rank
column to get the top N rows for each group, prohibiting more than 3 per group.Here's one idea. But it's based on lots of assumptions about the way your data is setup. Ever increasing IDs down the tree, only two levels, etc.
SELECT f.foo_id,f.foo_parent_id FROM foo f
foo f
--give me the top X number of parent_ids (This is good, you just adjust the LIMIT 10 to vary the number of parent levels to show)
(select foo_id from foo where foo_parent_id is null order by foo_parent_id
) top_foo_parent
on isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id) = top_foo_parent.foo_id
(This part is kind of hacky, as you have to put an ever longer string of these to get past two children)
--it's the first child, or...
(f.foo_id in (select MIN(foo_id) from foo fc1 where fc1.foo_parent_id =f.foo_parent_id)
--it's the second child, or...
(f.foo_id in (select MIN(foo_id) from foo fc1 where fc1.foo_parent_id =f.foo_parent_id and fc1.foo_id not in (select MIN(foo_id) from foo fc2 where fc2.foo_parent_id=f.foo_parent_id))
--it's the parent
f.foo_parent_id is null
order by isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id)*100 + f.foo_id
So what we're doing here is basically ordering by the parent_id column and then the child columns underneath it with a slight twist. If the parentid column is NULL then we use the actual ID. This means that for ordering purposes our table looks like this:
| foo_id | foo_parent_id | isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id)
| 1 | NULL | (1)
| 2 | NULL | (2)
| 3 | 1 | 1
| 4 | 2 | 2
| 5 | 1 | 1
| 7 | 2 | 2
Then we multiply that ordering column *100
| foo_id | foo_parent_id | isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id)*100
| 1 | NULL | 100
| 2 | NULL | 200
| 3 | 1 | 100
| 4 | 2 | 200
| 5 | 1 | 100
| 7 | 2 | 200
and lastly we add our foo_id column to it
| foo_id | foo_parent_id | isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id)*100 + foo_id
| 1 | NULL | 101
| 2 | NULL | 202
| 3 | 1 | 103
| 4 | 2 | 204
| 5 | 1 | 105
| 7 | 2 | 207
Now we order the table by that virtual column and...
| foo_id | foo_parent_id | ORDER BY isnull(f.foo_parent_id,f.foo_id)*100 + foo_id
| 1 | NULL | 101
| 3 | 1 | 103
| 5 | 1 | 105
| 2 | NULL | 202
| 4 | 2 | 204
| 7 | 2 | 207
There we go!