I\'ve been banging my head against the wall for the whole day now, and i need some help :(
The problem is, that i have a WebApp that was designed for 640x960
A viewport of
<meta name="viewport" content="width=640, initial-scale=1">
should make your fixed layout always fit (see MDN for more on the viewport meta tag).
You could be bumping in some of the following:
(which overrides the viewport meta tag) orsetInitialScale
(which can alter the size of the viewport).The best way to check if it's the content's fault or the WebView's fault is to see if the page works in Chrome on Android:
to 19 and try disabling WebSettings, changing your layout to fixed size, etc.. to see what's causing the problem. Maybe start from the other end - by making a super trivial WebView app that just loads the page - confirm that works and then slowly introduce changes to see which one causes the problem,If you're still stuck post a zip that contains sources with a repro (doesn't have to be the full app, just the minimum to demonstrate the problem) and I can try and help you more from there.
Just had a run through of this after not quite being sure of the answer myself.
You want a viewport without an initial-scale if you only want the webpage to fit the WebView's width.
Things that will affect the WebView:
If you want to prevent the user from zooming in or out, use user-scalable=no in the viewport rather than set a min and max.