I need to set z-index (control what is in foreground) between leaflet layers.
It is possible to e.g. control between 2 (or more) geoJson layers or between 2 (or more
Yes, but not using bringToFront
and bringToBack
. You need to use custom panes in the 1.0.0 version. See this post on GIS.SE and this tutorial on the Leaflet site. To summarize, you need to create a new pane for your image overlay, set its z-index, and then set the pane
option when you create the layer. The following will add an image overlay above your GeoJSON layers:
map.getPane('imagePane').style.zIndex = 401;
var imageLayer = L.imageOverlay(imageUrl, imageBounds, {
pane: 'imagePane'
Of course, you can also place GeoJSON layers in their own pane(s) and manipulate their z-indexing as well.