I want to make an animated curser prompt in the terminal(Ubuntu 14.04),
so i make this script:
while [ : ] do echo -ne \'|\\r\' sleep 0.3 echo -
echo -ne '一\r'
# ^
# |
# \--- problem
This character should be a hyphen, but is actually something called CJK Ideograph, First
save and restore cursor position instead of \r. Move to required column location where you want animation between saving and restoring cursor position.
For cursor movement refer http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x361.html
modified script:
# Position of column
# As per my command prompt, i want 15th column( so 14C)
while [ : ]
eval echo -ne '$s$pos\|$u'
sleep 0.3
eval echo -ne '$s$pos/$u'
sleep 0.3
eval echo -ne '$s$pos一$u'
sleep 0.3
eval echo -ne '$s$pos\\\\$u'
sleep 0.3
eval echo -ne '$s$pos\|$u'
sleep 0.3
eval echo -ne '$s$pos\$$u'
sleep 0.3
[root@hello ~]|
As you were using, it works with last line in .bashrc