How can I get the last inserted ID of a query using the batch insert in CodeIgniter. I used the code $this->db->insert_id()
but it returns the ID of my fi
You will need to do something like this,
$insertIds = array();
for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($filtername); $x++) {
$orders = array(
'poid' => null,
'order_id' => $poid,
'item_desc' => $filtername[$x],
'item_qty' => $filterquantity[$x],
'item_price' => $filterprice[$x],
'total' => $filtertotal[$x],
'cash_on_delivery' => $val_delivery,
'is_check' => $val_check,
'bank_transfer' => $val_transfer,
'transaction_date' => $dateorder
$this->db->insert('po_order', $orders);
$insertIds[$x] = $this->db->insert_id(); //will return the first insert array
print_r($insertIds); //print all insert ids
I think the best way would be to use the batch insert instead of individual inserts in a loop for performance , but to get the last insert id, ADD the First Insert ID & the Affected Rows.
$this->db->insert_batch('po_order', $orders);
$total_affected_rows = $this->db->affected_rows();
$first_insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
$last_id = ($first_insert_id + $total_affected_rows - 1);