I want to be able to select only the field where a certain field contains both letters and numbers. for example:
Select [field1], [field2]
from [db1].[tabl
What you would want to do is SQL-based regexp matching. Check this out: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163473.aspx
"Although T-SQL is extremely powerful for most data processing, it provides little support for text analysis or manipulation. Attempting to perform any sophisticated text analysis using the built-in string functions results in massively large functions and stored procedures that are difficult to debug and maintain."
"However there's SQLCLR, a CLR user-defined function (UDF) that lets you create an efficient and less error-prone set of functions using the Microsoft® .NET Framework."
Then you get code examples. Isn't Microsoft great? :D
LIKE will do it. This is a double negative
where [field2] NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
It says:
means not (alphanumeric)
NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
means not(not(alphanumeric))
-> alphanumericEdit:
For all numbers... "it works"
SELECT 'it works' WHERE '1234567' NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
All letters
SELECT 'it works' WHERE 'abcdefg' NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
Contains non-alphanumeric
SELECT 'it works' WHERE 'abc_123' NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
Edit 2:
This solution is for
only alphanumeric, any mixture of letters and numbers
Edit 3:
letters followed by numbers
where [field2] NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%' AND [field2] LIKE '[a-z]%[0-9]'
Finally, 2 letters and upto 3 numbers
[field2] LIKE '[a-z][a-z][0-9]'
[field2] LIKE '[a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9]'
[field2] LIKE '[a-z][a-z][0-9][0-9][0-9]'
If you need it to contain both numerics and letters, and no other characters, I think you have to use 3 like clauses. One NOT LIKE
, as @gbn said, then 2 LIKE
s to ensure both character classes are represented:
select * from (select '123' union all select 'abc' union all select 'a2') t(Field)
where Field LIKE '%[0-9]%' and Field like '%[a-z]%'
AND Field NOT LIKE '%[^0-9a-z]%'
returns one row, with 'a2'
If it should only be letters followed by numbers, I'm thinking you might be able to achieve this with a further not like, again inspired by @gbn:
NOT LIKE '%[0-9]%[a-z]%'
But it is starting to look like a regex in CLR might be the preferred route.
I believe PATINDEX
will do the trick for you. The query below checks for non 0-9 and non a-z characters, returning 0 if it doesn't find any (i.e., only #s and letters)
Select [field1], [field2]
from [db1].[table1]
where patindex('%[^0-9a-z]%', [field2]) = 0
Select [field1], [field2]
from [db1].[table1]
where [field2] REGEXP '^[0-9a-fA-F]*$'