I am trying to follow the answer here to zoom out a bit (by default) when a single marker is displayed on the map. I have tried the code below, and have a working map genera
Ok, the interface changed a lot since I posted the answer you quote.
<%= gmaps("markers" => {"data" => @json, "options" => {"auto_zoom" => false} }) %>
<% content_for :scripts do %>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
Gmaps.map.callback = function() {
if (Gmaps.map.markers.length == 1) {
//only one marker, choose the zoom level you expect
setTimeout(function() { Gmaps.map.serviceObject.setZoom(5);}, 50);
//more than one marker, let's auto_zoom
Gmaps.map.map_options.auto_zoom = true;
<% end %>