I just installed java using chef cookbook and updated PATH environment variable for all users (added new file to /etc/profile.d/).
Is it possible to tell chef to rel
I'm not 100% sure you can update the PATH variable for future chef runs, but you can set it up manually using the environment
attribute within the execute
stanza. This can also be used on other Resources as well. See: http://docs.opscode.com/chef/resources.html#execute
From the Chef Docs,
A hash of environment variables: {"ENV_VARIABLE"=>"VALUE"}.
(These environment variables must exist for a command to execute successfully.)
Default value: nil.
Run a command which requires an environment variable
execute "slapadd" do
command "slapadd < /tmp/something.ldif"
creates "/var/lib/slapd/uid.bdb"
action :run
environment ({'HOME' => '/home/myhome'})
execute "run_updated_bash" do
command "bash /etc/profile.d/myscript.sh"
Have you tried something like this? It could be run after you place your file in /etc/profile.d/
I found that it is not possible to update ENV variables pemanently (to be available after chef finishes), but it is possible to update variables for future commands of current chef run.
ruby_block "set-env-" do
block { ENV[variable_name] = variable_value }
not_if { ENV[variable_name] == variable_value }