Here is the code. IE7 spouts an \"\'active.0\' is null or not an object\" error on line 39, which is:
input.trigger(\"activate.autocomplete\", [$.data(active
Here is my code that works javascript first:
$(".student_search").autocomplete("student_search.php", {
minChars: 2,
cacheLength: 20,
matchContains: true,
highlightItem: true,
parse: function(data) {
return $.map(eval(data), function(row) {
return {
data: row,
value: row.studentname, //value being searched for
result: row.studentidnumber //value in text input
formatItem: function(row, i, max, term) {
return "<span style='font-size: 110%;'>" + row.studentname + "</span><br/>" + "ID: " + row.studentidnumber + ", " + " Grade: " + row.studentgradenumber;
formatResult: function(row, i, max){
return row.studentidnumber;
Here is the code in the PHP file. It prints a JSON object with the data.
$request = strtolower($_GET['q']);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT
CONCAT(studentfname, ' ', studentlname, '')
AS studentname, studentidnumber,
CONCAT(studentgradenumber, 'th')
AS studentgradenumber
FROM studentinfo
WHERE studentlname LIKE '%".$request."%'
OR studentfname LIKE '%".$request."%'
OR studentidnumber LIKE '%".$request."%'") or die(mysql_error());
$results = array();
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) //fetch each result using the column name as the array key
foreach($row as $column=>$val) //loop through each column
$results[$i][$column] = $val; //build array using incremental row # and column name
$i++; //increase the row counter
print json_encode($results);
The JSON object that is printed is:
[{"studentname":"Joe Schmo","studentidnumber":"123456","studentgradenumber":"11th"}]
so row.studentname returns Joe Schmo. Where row is the name of the variable in the function and studentname is the name of the key from the JSON object.
I had problems with autocompletion of jquery ui version 1.8.9 and IE7. I use 1.8.16 now and it works.
Check out:
It is a version of jquery.ui.autocomplete.js with most of the IE 7 issues fixed. I found a few more issues which I listed at the bottom along with how to fix them.