SQL Server 2008 - Query to get result in fraction format

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挽巷 2021-01-14 05:55

I have a table which contains data like this:

MinFormat(int)  MaxFormat(int)  Precision(nvarchar)
   -2              3             1/2


  • 2021-01-14 06:05

    Sorry, now I'm late, but this was my approach:

    I'd wrap this in a TVF actually and call it like

    SELECT * FROM dbo.FractalStepper(-2,1,'1/4');

    or join it with your actual table like

    SELECT *
    FROM SomeTable
    CROSS APPLY dbo.MyFractalSteller(MinFormat,MaxFormat,[Precision]) AS Steps

    But anyway, this was the code:

    DECLARE @tbl TABLE (ID INT, MinFormat INT,MaxFormat INT,Precision NVARCHAR(100));
    --Inserting two examples
    INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES(1,-2,3,'1/2')
    --Test with example 1, just set it to 2 if you want to try the other example
    --If you want to get your steps numbered, just de-comment the tree occurencies of "Step"
    WITH RecursiveCTE as
        SELECT  CAST(tbl.MinFormat AS FLOAT) AS RunningValue
               ,CAST(tbl.MaxFormat AS FLOAT) AS MaxF
               ,1/CAST(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl.Precision)),3,10) AS FLOAT) AS Prec
               --,1 AS Step
        FROM @tbl AS tbl
        WHERE tbl.ID=@ID
        UNION ALL
        SELECT RunningValue + Prec
              --,Step + 1
        FROM RecursiveCTE
        WHERE RunningValue + Prec <= MaxF
    SELECT RunningValue --,Step 
          ,CASE WHEN CAST(RunningValue AS INT)<>RunningValue 
                THEN CAST(RunningValue / Prec AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/' + CAST(CAST(1/Prec AS INT) AS VARCHAR(MAX))
                ELSE CAST(RunningValue AS VARCHAR(10))
           END AS RunningValueFractal
    FROM RecursiveCTE;

    The result

    Value   ValueFractal
    -2      -2
    -1,5    -3/2
    -1      -1
    -0,5    -1/2
    0        0
    0,5      1/2
    1        1
    1,5      3/2
    2        2
    2,5      5/2
    3        3
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 06:06

    Note this will only work for Precision 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64

    DECLARE @t table(MinFormat int, MaxFormat int, Precision varchar(4))
    INSERT @t values(-2, 3, '1/2')
    DECLARE @numerator INT, @denominator DECIMAL(9,7)
    DECLARE @MinFormat INT, @MaxFormat INT
    -- put a where clause on this to get the needed row
    SELECT @numerator   = 1,
           @denominator = STUFF(Precision, 1, charindex('/', Precision), ''),
           @MinFormat = MinFormat,
           @MaxFormat = MaxFormat
    FROM @t
    ;WITH N(N)AS 
    (SELECT 1 FROM(VALUES(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))M(N)),
    SELECT top(cast((@MaxFormat- @MinFormat)  / (@numerator/@denominator) as int) + 1) 
    CASE WHEN val % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val as int) as varchar(10))
         WHEN val*2 % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val*2 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/2'
         WHEN val*4 % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val*4 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/4'
         WHEN val*8 % 1 = 0 THEN  cast(cast(val*8 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/8'
         WHEN val*16 % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val*16 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/16'
         WHEN val*32 % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val*32 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/32'
         WHEN val*64 % 1 = 0 THEN cast(cast(val*64 as int) as varchar(10)) + '/64'
    FROM tally
    (SELECT @MinFormat +(N-1) *(@numerator/@denominator) val) x
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-01-14 06:29

    Mine is a bit different others. I perform the addition on fraction and at the end, simplified the fraction.

    -- This solution uses CTE
    -- it breaks the @min, @max number into fraction
    -- perform the addition in terms of fraction
    -- at result, it attemp to convert the fraction to simpliest form
    declare @min        int,
        @max        int,
        @step       varchar(10),
        @step_n     int,    -- precision step numerator portion
        @step_d     int -- precision step denominator portion
    select  @min    = -2,
        @max    = 3,
        @step   = '1/16'
    select  @step_n = left(@step, charindex('/', @step) - 1),
        @step_d = stuff(@step, 1, charindex('/', @step), '')
    ; with rcte as
        -- Anchor member
        select  n = @min,   -- numerator
            d = 1,      -- denominator
            v = convert(decimal(10,5), @min)
        union all
        -- Recursive member
        select  n = case when ( (r.n * @step_d) + (r.d * @step_n) ) % @step_d = 0 
                 and  (r.d * @step_d) % @step_d = 0
                 then ( (r.n * @step_d) + (r.d * @step_n) ) / @step_d
                 else (r.n * @step_d) + (r.d * @step_n)
            d = case when ( (r.n * @step_d) + (r.d * @step_n) ) % @step_d = 0
                 and  (r.d * @step_d) % @step_d = 0
                 then (r.d * @step_d) / @step_d
                 else (r.d * @step_d)
            v =  convert(decimal(10,5), ((r.n * @step_d) + (r.d * @step_n)) / (r.d * @step_d * 1.0))
        from    rcte r
        where   r.v < @max
    select  *,
        fraction    = case  when    n = 0
                    then    '0'
                    when    coalesce(d2, d) = 1
                    then    convert(varchar(10), coalesce(n2, n))
                    else    convert(varchar(10), coalesce(n2, n)) + '/' + convert(varchar(10), coalesce(d2, d))
    from    rcte r
        cross apply -- use to simplify the fraction result
            select  n2 = case when n % 32 = 0 and d % 32 = 0 then n / 32
                      when n % 16 = 0 and d % 16 = 0 then n / 16
                      when n % 8 = 0 and d % 8 = 0 then n / 8
                      when n % 4 = 0 and d % 4 = 0 then n / 4
                      when n % 2 = 0 and d % 2 = 0 then n / 2
                d2 = case when n % 32 = 0 and d % 32 = 0 then d / 32
                      when n % 16 = 0 and d % 16 = 0 then d / 16
                      when n % 8 = 0 and d % 8 = 0 then d / 8
                      when n % 4 = 0 and d % 4 = 0 then d / 4
                      when n % 2 = 0 and d % 2 = 0 then d / 2
        ) s
    order by v
    option (MAXRECURSION 0)
    0 讨论(0)